Visit Mandurah Dental Implant Centre
Welcoming New Patients
The team at Mandurah Dental Implant Centre is always happy to welcome new patients to our friendly practice where your comfort is our priority. You can contact us by phone or email to request an appointment; we also accept referrals from your current dentist.
After you arrive, we’ll review your medical history and ask you about what your chief concerns are for your oral health. It’s your personal wants and needs that dictate which steps we take next.
During your first appointment, we will typically take a series of photographs and x-rays prior to a thorough examination. After one of our specially trained dentists has assessed your smile, we’ll discuss which options are available to improve your oral health. You can expect to spend about 40-60 minutes with us during the first appointment.

In certain cases, we may take some time to study your information and have you back for a secondary consultation before recommending a particular type of treatment.